Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Oh Christmas Tree...

Well, we didn't manage to do any glittery sticking but we did put our Christmas tree up. The excitement was almost too much for Seth to bear as mummy was sooooooo slow putting the lights and tinsel on and he was desperate to hang his bauble and snowman and Father Christmas and penguin...No, our Christmas tree is not stylish and minimal in any way. In fact, it looks as though someone sneezed a whole load of sparkly decorations in its general direction and left them where they stuck. I love it.

1 comment:

Brian & Chloe said...

lovely, we made ours this year, out of cadboard and paint it is 40cm high, nice and compact BUT Ruby has now seen yours and says she wants Seths chritmas tree, help we will have to come and see it I am maintaing myscroogyness anbout decorations this year no matter what